Corporate Operations
Senior Vice President: Wilhelm-Friedrich Uhr
Corporate Operations consists of the departments Finance & Tax / Asset Management, Human Resources & Legal, Controlling, Information Technology, and Services. Its goal is to ensure accuracy and accountability, coordinate financial and human resources, and make the foundation more cost-effective and efficient on an ongoing basis.
Total expenditures
Preliminary expenditures for the 2022 fiscal year totaled €70.8 million. Due to increased contributions to our affiliated nonprofit institutions, expenditures in 2022 were €5 million more than the year before. Since its inception, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has made ca. €1.9 billion available for nonprofit activities.
Program expenditures
In its 2022 fiscal year, the Bertelsmann Stiftung invested €34.6 million directly in its program activities. That represents a decrease of €1.4 million over the previous year.
Affiliated nonprofit institutions
In 2022, the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s contributions to affiliated nonprofit institutions increased by approximately €5.3 million from the previous year to €16.8 million.