How can culture, politics and business work together to meet the challenges of the future? Will united Europe fall victim to individual national interests? Is the economy the silver bullet when it comes to solving global...

© Roman Rodionov -
Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung
Through its publications, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung provides a wide audience with the latest information on the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s projects and topics – from Agenda 2030 to Future of the Social Market Economy. We prepare and publish background materials, findings from studies, and outcomes from the foundation’s projects, making them available – as print versions or e-books – to the interested public.
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Our publications are all about – innovation! From A as in “algorithm” to Z as in “zero emissions”, our titles offer something for everyone. In our books, we pose crucial questions and provide innovative answers. We engage in policy debates, analyze social transformation processes and propose practical solutions for creating a sustainable society. Our catalogue of titles includes printed publications, e-books and audiobooks, with numerous new releases appearing each year.
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Our authors are specialists at the Bertelsmann Stiftung or renowned academic institutions in Germany and beyond. In addition to the general public, our publications address German policy leaders at the federal and state levels, experts in the economic and social sectors, as well as journalists and students.
Our history
Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung was established at the end of 1985 to increase awareness of the topics addressed by the foundation. Reinhard Mohn, the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s founder, had close ties to the publishing industry and strongly supported the creation of a publishing house for the foundation. We celebrated our 30th anniversary in 2016.
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