Liz Mohn, Wolfgang Schüssel

Voices for the Future

20 Years of the Trilogue Salzburg

Format Type
E-Book / PDF
Date of publication
1. edition
144 pages, E-Book
Delivery status


18,99 €


How can culture, politics and business work together to meet the challenges of the future? Will united Europe fall victim to individual national interests? Is the economy the silver bullet when it comes to solving global challenges? Can policy makers still lead in an age of fake news and escalating expectations? What kind of support is needed – and from which culture – to shape a sustainable society?

The book Voices for the Future documents the lively exchange between international thought leaders from the cultural, economic and political spheres on solutions to current and coming problems. Since 2002, they have been gathering at the Trilogue Salzburg to take a shared look at what the future holds. Where has the Trilogue been farsighted in terms of the issues that now dominate the policy agenda and our everyday lives? What must (still) happen if we are to respond effectively to future challenges? Voices for the Future essays answers to these questions, addressing the topics of Europe, the labor market, leadership, education and values.

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Cover Salzburger Trilog

Anlässlich des Salzburger Trilogs kommen internationale Entscheidungsträger und Meinungsbildner aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur in der Landeshauptstadt zusammen, um über globale Zukunftsfragen zu diskutieren. Ziel ist ein interdisziplinärer und interkultureller Austausch über Herausforderungen und Perspektiven weltweiter Entwicklungen. Der Salzburger Trilog widmet sich alljährlich einem neuen Schwerpunktthema.

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