Competence Cards for professional and immigration counselling
Social, personal and methodical competences are becoming more and more important on the labour market. In 2014, there were no standardized tools to determine whether immigrants possessed such skills. The existing methods were only limitedly suited with respect to this target group: They are often language-heavy, complex and time-consuming. This was demonstrated in a survey of immigration counsellors and competence assessment experts. We therefore developed the Competence Cards in cooperation with the organisations responsible for providing immigration counselling to adult immigrants (Arbeiterwohlfahrt (worker’s welfare), Deutscher Caritasverband (German Caritas Association), Paritätischer Gesamtverband (General Association for Equality), Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross), Diakonie (social welfare organisation of protestant churches), Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland (Central Welfare Office for Jews in Germany), Bund der Vertriebenen (Federation of Expellees)) and the Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb). In the medium-term, we want to improve the educational and professional situation of immigrants in Germany.
The Competence Cards are customized to both the immigrants’ and the counsellors’ needs. They can be used flexibly, are practically oriented, visualize competences and are compatible with further counselling agencies like the JobCenter and public employment agencies. They can also be used in groups as a PowerPoint presentation (see below). The Competence Cards have been translated into eight languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Farsi, Turkish and Tigrinya.