Graphic illustration with houses, windmills, school building

How fit for the future are the OECD and EU states?

The Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) address two of the key sociopolitical issues facing highly developed OECD and EU countries: How to achieve sustainable policy outcomes while improving policymaking for the long-term?

Contact Persons

Foto Christof Schiller
Dr. Christof Schiller
Senior Project Manager
Foto Thorsten Hellmann
Dr. Thorsten Hellmann
Project Manager
Foto Pia Paulini
Pia Paulini
Senior Project Assistant


Climate neutrality

Under the Paris Climate Agreement, nations around the globe committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050. But how determined are OECD and EU countries in pursuing this goal? 

Auf dem Bild sieht man Holzwürfel, die zu einer Pyramide gestapelt sind, vor einer grünen Wand. Auf den Würfeln sieht man verschiedene Symbole zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit.


Country Reports SGI 2024

You can find our current SGI 2024 country reports here

SGI Sustainable Governance Indicators – Headerbild


Energy Transition

The sluggish rate of progress made in the energy transition is putting the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by the middle of the century at risk. On the positive side, with early warning indicators guiding timely and targeted interventions, we can accelerate progress across several domains.

Electricity pylons and wind turbines in the field.


Mounting crises: Liberal democracies must practice forward-looking governance

Three people standing on each other's shoulders on an ice floe. The first person above holds a telescope in his hands

SGI Website

Data, analyses, reports

All country reports as well as global and regional analyses can be found here.


SGI Project

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Project News

Hände schenken Geldschein bei Bestechung

Corruption slows efforts to implement sustainable policymaking in the OECD and EU

Hände schenken Geldschein bei Bestechung

Corruption slows efforts to implement sustainable policymaking in the OECD and EU
