masked demonstrator

Searching for successful strategies of change

There is no guarantee for sucess in change processes to democracy under a rule of law and a market economy equipped with sociopolitical safeguards: stagnation, power struggles and state failure are jeopardizing countries on their complex path of transformation. But there are also encouraging examples of good governance in every world region. Since 2003, the BTI is monitoring where and how change is happening.

Contact Persons

Foto Sabine Donner
Sabine Donner
Senior Expert
Foto Hauke Hartmann
Dr. Hauke Hartmann
Senior Expert
Foto Sebastian Plate
Sebastian Plate
Project Manager
Foto Sabine Steinkamp
Sabine Steinkamp
Project Assistant

BTI Website

Find all data, country reports as well as global and regional analyses on our project website.

Mann vor Weltkarte

BTI Facts and Figures

Transformation Atlas

7124 scores are rating the status of democracy, market economy and good governance. Discover them with the help of our interactive visualization tool and in context with 137 detailed country reports.

tablet with screenshot from BTI Atlas

Super Election Year 2024

BTI Election Calendar

The BTI Election Calendar helps users keep track of all upcoming and past elections of the 2024 super election year. Covering all elections in BTI countries, it provides easy access to what's at stake and uses the BTI's extensive data set on the quality of elections since 2006.

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