verschiedene Menschen sitzen in einer Bürosituation an einem Tisch und reden miteinander

Making fair migration a reality

Germany needs immigrants, as the country increasingly faces an aging population and skilled-labor shortages. In recent years, Germany has received – in addition to foreign workers – large numbers of refugees. The challenge ahead is to organize voluntary and forced migration in cooperation with international partners so as to benefit migrants, receiving countries and countries of origin alike.

Contact persons

Foto Ulrich Kober
Ulrich Kober
Foto Najim Azahaf
Najim Azahaf
Senior Project Manager
Foto Christina Brickenkamp
Christina Brickenkamp
Program Assistant
Foto Mehrdad Mehregani
Mehrdad Mehregani
Head of Boards’ Office
Foto Kristina Neumann
Kristina Neumann
Project Assistant
Foto Susanne U. Schultz
Dr. Susanne U. Schultz
Senior Expert
Foto Claudia Walther
Claudia Walther
Senior Project Manager
Foto Ulrike Wieland
Dr. Ulrike Wieland
Senior Expert