

Teil 2 der Konferenz "Ein, kein oder welches Sozialmodell in der EU? Österreich in einem Sozialen Europa" am 27. November 2017 im Kassensaal der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank in Wien. Zu der Konferenz hatten das Europäische Bureau für Politikberatung und Sozialforschung Wien, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wissenschaftliche Wirtschaftspolitik (WIWIPOL) und wir eingeladen.



Teil 1 der Konferenz "Ein, kein oder welches Sozialmodell in der EU? Österreich in einem Sozialen Europa" am 27. November 2017 im Kassensaal der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank in Wien. Zu der Konferenz hatten das Europäische Bureau für Politikberatung und Sozialforschung Wien, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wissenschaftliche Wirtschaftspolitik (WIWIPOL) und wir eingeladen.



In our Europa briefings, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin explain key terms at the centre of the current debate on the future of Europe and the euro. Katharina Gnath, our expert on European economic governance, gives you an overview of our new series.



Ziad Majed is the author of the Syria chapter in a publication "Escaping the Escape – Towards solutions to the humanitarian migration crisis" (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2017). In this interview, he explains the root causes of flight and migration in/from Syria and makes proposals how to best deal with these causes.



Zakariya El Zaidy is the author of the Libya chapter in a publication "Escaping the Escape – Towards solutions to the humanitarian migration crisis" (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2017). In this interview, he explains the root causes of flight and migration in/from Libya and makes proposals how to best deal with these causes.



Mariam Safi is the author of the Afghanistan chapter in a publication "Escaping the Escape – Towards solutions to the humanitarian migration crisis" (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2017). In this interview, she explains the root causes of flight and migration in/from Afghanistan and makes proposals how to best deal with these causes.



Shola Omotola is the author of the Nigeria chapter in a publication "Escaping the Escape – Towards solutions to the humanitarian migration crisis" (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2017). In this interview, he explains the root causes of flight and migration in/from Nigeria and makes proposals how to best deal with these causes.



Abdulkader S. Mohammad is the author of the Eritrea chapter in a publication "Escaping the Escape – Towards solutions to the humanitarian migration crisis" (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2017). In this interview, he explains the root causes of flight and migration in/from Eritrea and makes proposals how to best deal with these causes.