
A Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence

The return of geopolitics and intensifying rivalries on the international level are putting Europe under pressure. Critical interdependences are increasingly instrumentalised. This endangers the success of the European model, which is based on intensive political and economic interdependence in multilateral systems. We examine how the EU can preserve and strengthen its capacity to act by strategically managing its interdependencies.


Foto Brandon Bohrn
Brandon Bohrn
Project Manager
Foto Christian Hanelt
Christian Hanelt
Senior Expert Europe, Neighbourhood and the Middle East
Foto Etienne Höra
Etienne Höra
Project Manager
Foto Cora Francisca Jungbluth
Dr. Cora Francisca Jungbluth
Senior Expert China and Asia-Pacific
Foto Miriam Kosmehl
Miriam Kosmehl
Senior Expert Eastern Europe and EU Neighbourhood
Foto Anika Sina Laudien
Anika Sina Laudien
Project Manager
Foto Christian Mölling
Dr. Christian Mölling
Foto Claudia Priemer
Claudia Priemer
Project Assistant
Foto Anastasia Rogalski
Anastasia Rogalski
Project Assistant
Foto Jasmin Ruhnke
Jasmin Ruhnke
Senior Project Assistant
Foto Torben Schütz
Torben Schütz
Senior Expert
Foto Peter Walkenhorst
Dr. Peter Walkenhorst
Senior Project Manager
Foto Stefani Weiss
Stefani Weiss
Senior Expert EU Governance, Foreign and Security Policy

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