Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.)

Matteo Fiorini, Bernard Hoekman (European University Institute), Petros Mavroidis (Columbia Law School), Maarja Saluste (European University Institute), Robert Wolfe (Queen's University)

WTO Dispute Settlement and the Appellate Body Crisis: Detailed Survey Results

1. Auflage




The Appellate Body of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the WTO is in crisis. The appointment of new members has been blocked as the institution was accused of overstepping its mandate. This publication presents the detailed findings of a survey amongst the users of the Dispute Settlement System. The responses show that there is wide-ranging support for a two-tier dispute settlement. However, it also shows that some criticisms of judicial practices are actually widely shared. This publication contains the results only. For analysis and discussion, refer to the study by the same title.

Zugehörige Projekte

Cover Global Economic Dynamics (GED)

Komplexe ökonomische Dynamiken transparent und verständlich zu machen – das war unser Ziel. Das Projekt untersuchte die Ursachen und Auswirkungen von wirtschaftlichen Trends sowie die Zusammenhänge zwischen den einzelnen Trends.

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