Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.)

Dr. René Geißler

Policy Brief #2012/07: <br/>Sustainability and solidarity – basic ideas of new financial structures

Policy Brief Series Future Social Market Economy

1. Auflage




Federal financial structures which include fiscal equalization between the states are and will remain to be indispensable. Such structures are required to equalize the significant regional economic differences which exist within the federal republic and to ensure sufficient funding for the responsibilities of the public sector across the nation. The current federal financial structures have a number of structural flaws which regard both the criteria for tax distribution, the design of the debt brake and the role of municipalities. The financial structures will have to be revised beginning in 2020. The objective is to consolidate in the long term the budgets of federation, state and municipal governments and to safeguard a modern welfare state.

Zugehörige Projekte

Cover Kommunale Finanzen

Kommunale Selbstverwaltung gehört zu den Grundpfeilern unseres Gemeinwesens. Starke Kommunen bedingen stabile Haushalte. Unser Ziel ist die Sicherung der kommunalen Leistungsfähigkeit.