Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.)

Learning from the World

Good Practices in Navigating Cultural Diversity

1. Auflage
116 Seiten, PDF




The study "Learning from the World: Good Practices in Navigating Cultural Diversity" documents the results of the international search for good approaches to dealing with cultural diversity conducted for the Reinhard Mohn Prize 2018. Since living together in diversity is a matter of everyday life, the focus of the study is on the local level. It describes in detail the strategies of six cities in Europe, Canada and the USA and presents exemplary projects for dealing with diversity in politics, business, education, the media and personal encounters.

The research shows that an attitude of acceptance and recognition of diversity, strategic political coordination and the creation of opportunities for encounter and dialogue are important factors for successful living together.

Zugehörige Projekte

Cover Vielfalt leben – Gesellschaft gestalten

Wie gelingt das Zusammenleben in einer kulturell vielfältigen Gesellschaft? Der Reinhard Mohn Preis 2018 suchte nach Antworten auf diese Frage. Gerechte Teilhabe, politische Partizipation, Verbundenheit und Kontakt entscheiden darüber, wie gut es funktioniert.

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