Since 2009, we have been engaged in helping young children learn how to make democratic decisions. The project cooperates with 16 institutions responsible for 1,000 preschools and 13,000 educators. To reach them all, 100 individuals were trained over the last 18 months to show educators how they can introduce councils and constitutions in their preschools. This year we will also develop free massive open online courses (MOOCs) for preschool and school teachers to provide them with practical support.
Germany's health-care system must find new solutions if it wants to respond to the challenges resulting from demographic change and make care provision more efficient. We want to help the country achieve that goal by learning from the experience gained elsewhere. In 2018, we will therefore be using the international Digital Health Index to examine and compare the digitization strategies of 17 different health-care systems. The international study will answer a series of questions, including which technologies can be used effectively, which roles and responsibilities should be assumed by which policy players, and the overall opportunities and limits of a digital health-care system. Brigitte Mohn, member of our Executive Board, said: