Death in the Mediterranean

Are Asylum Centers Outside of Europe the Way Forward?

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
4 pages, Brochure
Delivery status
In production


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Thousands have died crossing the Mediterranean to seek asylum in Europe. Neither increased border security measures nor actions against smugglers have prevented that seeking refuge in Europe has become increasingly dangerous. Proposals involving the establishment of asylum centers outside the EU intend to stop asylum seekers from crossing the Mediterranean. However, these ideas are not expedient. Instead, there is a need for practical and durable Solutions.

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Cover Migration fair gestalten

Wir müssen die gewinnen, die wir brauchen und denen Schutz geben, die uns brauchen. Arbeits- und Fluchtmigration müssen entsprechend ihrer ökonomischen bzw. humanitären Grundsätzen unterschiedlich gesteuert werden: national, europäisch und international sowie fair für alle Beteiligten.