The poster “Attention, Kids‘ Perspectives! Improving ECEC together with children” is the result of a comprehensive project that included both research and practice-development segments. It visualizes 23 quality dimensions from the perspective of children at ECEC centers, grouping the dimensions into seven “quality areas.” The poster provides insight into the evidence-based findings on what children aged 4 to 6 feel is important for an ECEC center, what they would like and what they need in order to feel happy and safe and to learn well in their own way.
The poster…
… provides information at a glance about findings from a current research project.
… reminds you daily that being aware of and honoring children’s perspectives is at the heart of pedagogical processes.
… invites you to discuss and consider with your team, parents and children the questions: What is the significance of each quality dimension at your ECEC center? Which dimensions are important to the children there and which are not?
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User’s Guide: Attention, Kids‘ Perspectives! Improving ECEC together with children