Did the re-election of Donald Trump change Europeans' minds?
In November 2024, we published the report “Old Habits Die Hard” in which we looked at the state of the transatlantic partnership in the wake of the US elections....
Fluchtmigration ist zurzeit ein großes Streitthema in der öffentlichen Diskussion. Einerseits wird sie für Missstände jeglicher Art verantwortlich gemacht – sei es knapper Wohnraum, fehlende Kitaplätze oder Kriminalität....
Kleinräumige Daten sind für kommunale Planungen wichtig. Besonders interessant ist dabei der Blick in die Zukunft, um vorausschauend die Infrastruktur oder Dienstleistungen für die Menschen in den Städten und Gemeinden entwickeln...
Sie haben Interesse an unseren Themen / Publikationen? Hier erhalten Sie einen Gesamtüberblick von unseren Projektpublikationen Chance Ausbildung. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich an chance-ausbildung@bertelsmann-stiftung.de. Gerne...
After a period of unprecedented turbulence in Austrian politics – including several major scandals and the creation of an all-technocrat government – Austria has more recently found its way back to the calmer waters of stable...
Belgium, a country of 30,689 km² located in northwestern Europe, is densely populated with 11.7 million inhabitants and is very open to the rest of the world. Belgium continuously works to make this openness its strongest asset.
Denmark’s democracy is robust and is characterized by a high level of political stability. Elections are conducted in an open and democratic manner, and anti-democratic movements remain fringe phenomena.
In many respects, Estonia has successfully established a sustainable democracy. Civil rights and the rule of law are strong, the plurality of opinion in politics and civil society is effective, and both national and household...
A significant shift in sustainable governance occurred in Finland when Sanna Marin’s center-left government was replaced by Petteri Orpo’s right-wing government in June 2023. Marin’s government was known for placing a strong...