Valeska Achenbach

Smart Country: Policy and public administration

Policy and public administration are especially needed in shaping the move to digital. This will only work if changes are made to the negotiating and decision-making processes, where greater transparency and participation is needed. Integrating modern information and communication technology can help here. And many people are aware of this.

We Need Policy 2.0

The challenges we face as a society are becoming increasingly more complex. In order to solve these challenges, we need a different approach to before. One thing that’s sure is that policy and public administration are more effective when they make better use of the new forms of communication, information and engagement opportunities, and use them more openly than up to now.

Solution competence and the ability to take action in state and municipal operations will be greatly enhanced through the technical applications that digital strategies present combined with a more open attitude. Digital strategies will enable new, inclusive forms of civic engagement in co-designing public services.

On the Lookout for Good Examples

Although approaches to this issue are fragmentary, examples of good practice exist. How this transition can take place at a national level is a question the "Smart Country" project asks.

Where can we find these good examples, and what contributed to their success? The same goes for questioning approaches that failed: why did some approaches not work and where were the glitches?

We will report on the results found in workshop reports at regular intervals.              
