Less than a third of young people under the age of 30 state that the most effective way to make their voices heard is to participate in elections. It is therefore hardly surprising that only about every second person voted in the last European elections. For the upcoming elections on 9 June 2024, the new project #NowEurope takes up this challenge and works with the European Youth Parliament and other partners to strengthen young people's European awareness and political self-efficacy through organizing co-creative workshops at vocational schools, regional activities and self-empowering formats on social media. We expect a resulting enthusiasm for Europe that motivates young people and their communities to vote and also ignites a spark for long-term engagement. As numerous studies demonstrate, the following slogan applies to both voting and engagement: If you do it once, you will do it again!
From the Classroom to the Ballot Box
Elections are socially sensitive, meaning of one’s own community, friends, parents, and relatives vote, it is more likely that one will also go voting. As a result, young people with a background in higher education and a successful socio-economic situation are more likely to vote in elections. Based on this knowledge, we will work with vocational schools to encourage young trainees in workshops to consider the impact Europe has on their own lives. We aim at discussing questions like What is Europe? What does Europe do for me? How does Europe affect my leisure time, my job, my supermarket shopping, or my holidays?
From the Classroom to the Ballot Box
Elections are socially sensitive, meaning of one’s own community, friends, parents, and relatives vote, it is more likely that one will also go voting. As a result, young people with a background in higher education and a successful socio-economic situation are more likely to vote in elections. Based on this knowledge, we will work with vocational schools to encourage young trainees in workshops to consider the impact Europe has on their own lives. We aim at discussing questions like What is Europe? What does Europe do for me? How does Europe affect my leisure time, my job, my supermarket shopping, or my holidays?
Europe is Now
After this awakened interest for Europe, we want vocational school students to develop their own ideas and proposals for regional activities that inspire their peers to motivate them to go voting. These activities will be implemented jointly with local partners in Europe Days, events, or other formats. In addition to the activities, young students, other partners, and networks will become active within the framework of #NowEurope.
Your click for Europe
Under the hashtag #NowEurope we intend to reach young people throughout Germany digitally and get them involved. The highlight of our campaigns will be the European Election Day on 9 June 2024 in Germany when young people will cast their vote for Europe’s future as well as their own future.
Join in Now
Does your municipality, school, organization, foundation, or association want to take part? Are you interested in finding out more about our project? Please drop us a line or give us a call any time! See below our contact details.