Parlament of the german speaking community in Belgium

SHORTCUT 7 - March 2022

The Ostbelgien Model

Institutionalising Deliberative Democracy

Mini-publics, citizens' assemblies and citizens' panels with randomly selected citizens are spreading across Europe. Better political decisions, more trust in democratic processes - politicians increasingly take note of the advantages of new forms of deliberative participation and establish permanent mechanisms in their representative systems.

The "East Belgium” model is one of the most developed approaches in linking deliberative forms of participation with parliament and government. It has become a role model of how new forms of citizens participation can be embedded into the political system. This shortcut shows how permanent citizens' assemblies can go hand in hand with the functioning of parliamentary and governmental politics.

Download the SHORTCUT as PDF here.

Message to go:

Ostbelgien is the first region worldwide with a permanent Council of Citizens and annual Citizen Assemblies mandated by law.
SHORTCUT 7 - The Ostbelgien Model


Supported (in part) by a grant from the Foundation Open Society Institute in cooperation with the OSIFE of the Open Society Foundations. Supported (in part) by a grant from King Baudouin Foundation.
