Berlin mit den Logos der Veranstalter

Democracy R&D Annual Conference - Innovating Deliberative Democracy

Once a year, deliberative democracy experts from around the world come together to exchange ideas, disseminate knowledge, meet new people, and renew existing relationships at the Democracy R&D Annual Conference. This year we are excited to welcome you in Berlin from 28 to 30 September 2022. The conference is organised by the Democracy R&D network in collaboration with the following German partners: Bertelsmann Stiftung, nexus institute, Mehr Demokratie e.V. and Technische Universität Berlin. The Open Society Foundations provides financial support for travels and accommodation. The Bertelsmann Stiftung is in charge of the registration and management of participants.


Under the annual theme “Innovating Deliberative Democracy - Inclusion, Impact & Institutionalisation!", we will focus on three thematic streams: political buy-in (how to convince decision-makers to initiate deliberative mini-publics, ensure follow-up and institutionalisation?), inclusive participation (how to prevent mini-publics from reproducing structural inequalities, and how to ensure connection with the wider public?) and democracy in (times of) crisis (what are the fundamental challenges to democracy today and what potential or limits does deliberative democracy have in the context of these challenges?). On the third and final day, training sessions will be organised as part of our ‘Deliberative Democracy School’.

The Democracy R&D Annual Conference is fully booked and registration is now closed. We kindly ask for your understanding.


Democracy R&D Annual Conference Berlin 2022


Click here to find out what happened at the conference: a short film, pictures, session outcomes and more.




The three-day conference will be hosted by Democracy R&D and local German partners. For more information about the schedule please see the programme here. 

Schriftzug und Menschen auf dem Rasen vor dem Reichstagsgebäude

Event Locations

Event Locations

Berlin has a unique mix of old and new both in infrastructure and culture which makes it the perfect location for reflecting on democracy and innovating together.

Brandenburger Tor

Organisational Information

The Democracy R&D annual conference is jointly organised and hosted by