At the online event, 50 international experts from several European countries, Canada and Israel discussed various challenges that arise when analyzing online job advertisements. The main topics were the development of a methodology paper with common analysis standards, the consideration of country-specific features in data collection, and the definition and analysis of competencies in OJAs (OJA: Online Job Advertisements).

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3rd OJA Forum or from OJV to OJA
In May 2022, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training hosted the third forum on the analysis of online job advertisements.
Renaming: OJV Forum becomes OJA Forum
At the second forum, participants expressed the wish to change the name of the OJV Forum to OJA Forum. The reason for this is that advertisements (A=Advertisements) and not actual vacancies (V=Vacancies) are analyzed. Since it is not possible to say with certainty how many jobs are being sought in an advertisement, the analysis of OJA and accordingly OJA Forum is a more appropriate term. Therefore, OJV Forum became OJA Forum.
Inputs with an international perspective
The third OJA Forum focused on inputs from experts from various institutions and companies such as the OECD, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) and Textkernel. In two sessions, the speakers showed which steps are necessary in an analysis of online job advertisements, how OJA providers can be investigated through the Landscaping method and which questions can be answered with OJA data. Other topics included the development of classifications for occupations and skills and the creation of data structures in which online job ads can be automatically collected and processed. In two intensive fishbowl discussions, the speakers discussed together with the participants which effects the publication location of online job advertisements has on the analysis and how information from continuous texts can be converted into categories.
Participation explicitly desired
Thanks to many interactive elements such as mentimeter surveys and the fishbowl discussions, participants had ample opportunities to participate in the discussions and contribute their perspectives. Networking was also not neglected at the online event, as everyone was able to make contacts in the OJA community through speed dating and talk about various topics in open breakout sessions. The opportunity for informal exchange was very well received by the experts. Following the event, we also prepared their topics as part of our training and development blog (Blog Aus- und Weiterbildung) and "employess wanted".
What's next?
In September of this year, we hope that the wish of many OJA experts to finally meet in person at the fourth OJA Forum in Gütersloh will come true. Until then, the LinkedIn group will continue to exchange information on current publications and events and work on a joint method paper for analyzing online job advertisements. This is intended to serve as a guide, but also to set standards for analysis.
You can view the agenda of the third OJA Forum here.