Heribert Meffert takes the helm of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Executive Board
25 years after founding the Bertelsmann Stiftung, Reinhard Mohn names Dr. Heribert Meffert as chair of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Executive Board. On October 1, 2002, the international marketing expert will replace Dr. Gunter Thielen, who has been appointed chair and CEO of Bertelsmann AG.
The Bertelsmann Stiftung celebrates 25 years

Christoph Gödan
German President Johannes Rau is the guest speaker at the anniversary celebration on March 13, 2002, in the Gütersloh Stadthalle.
On March 14, 2002, the Bertelsmann Stiftung turns 25 years old. German President Johannes Rau is the guest speaker at the anniversary celebration on March 13 in the Gütersloh Stadthalle. In his speech, the German president praises the foundation: "The Bertelsmann Stiftung has always viewed itself as an active participant in the social and political life of the time. In the words of Reinhard Mohn, it serves as a workshop for reform."
2002 Carl Bertelsmann Prize: Transparency – A basis for responsibility and participation
How can we keep today's societies open to reform? How can we keep moving forward, maintain competitiveness, and yet shape our transitions in a humane and socially responsible way? These are the fundamental issues addressed in the 2002 Carl Bertelsmann Prize. In its successful battle against corruption, the nonprofit organization Transparency International provides an excellent model of how civil society can address urgent social issues when the state and the market fail to do so. In this example, cross-sectoral alliances among business, civil society and government led to a win-win result – especially because transparency and openness, along with self-determination and individual assumption of responsibility, are fundamental elements of such collaboration.
Ten years of German-Jewish Dialogue: "The Relationship of Poland, Germans and Jews"
Because of its history, Germany bears a special responsibility for the fate of Jewish communities all over the world and for the future of the state of Israel. The Bertelsmann Stiftung acknowledges this obligation and responds in many ways. The German-Jewish Dialogue it initiated has developed over the years to a respected forum for off-the-record dialogue. In March 2002, at the invitation of President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland, the Dialogue takes place in Warsaw for the first time. The event brings key public figures from Poland and Germany together for a fruitful discussion with leading international representatives of Jewish culture.
Competition to integrate immigrants – An initiative of the German President

© Marc Darchinger
Award ceremony for the Integration of Immigrants competition on August 22, 2002, in the garden of Schloss Bellevue in Berlin. Liz Mohn with German President Johannes Rau.
On May 12, 2000, German President Johannes Rau devoted his first presidential address in Berlin to the integration of immigrants in Germany. He described promoting immigration as a sociopolitical task of the very highest priority. The Bertelsmann Stiftung had already called attention to the "new reality" of immigration in Germany with its 1992 Carl Bertelsmann Prize. In 2001, German President Johannes Rau proposed a joint project with the Bertelsmann Stiftung in the form of a contest to identify and reward exemplary initiatives to integrate immigrants. In the planning phase, Prof. Dietrich Thränhardt and Dr. Uwe Hunger contribute a paper to the Bertelsmann Stiftung on the question, "What can civil society contribute to the successful integration of immigrants?" A roundtable discussion among experts also took place at Schloss Bellevue, the president's official residence.
The competition is launched on January 31, 2002, at Schloss Bellevue. Celebrities who come from an immigrant background volunteer as "ambassadors" for the contest, among them actors Miroslaw Nemec and Erol Sander, boxers Wladimir and Vitali Klitschko, and the pop band Bro’Sis. The response to the competition is overwhelming. More than 1,300 initiatives from all across Germany apply.
On July 11, 2002, the jury selects ten prize winners in Berlin. Another 180 applicants receive special recognition for their efforts.
The winners are honored by German President Johannes Rau and Liz Mohn in the presidential garden at Schloss Bellevue on August 22, 2002. An event hosted by Jörg Pilawa is televised, showcasing the successful initiatives for a wide audience.