Cover State actions against disinformation: Towards a healthy public sphere

Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

Iglesias Keller, Clara, Charlotte Freihse, Cathleen Berger

State actions against disinformation: Towards a healthy public sphere

Research Series: Reinhard Mohn Prize

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
41 pages, PDF


Free of charge


Across the world, states have taken initiatives against disinformation. However, we still lack a structured understanding of these measures assessing commonalities and differences, advantages, and risks of government responses to disinformation. To develop a typology, we assessed 66 state counter-disinformation initiatives from countries across all continents that we categorise along five dimensions: Mitigating false information, governing digital intermediaries, promoting transparency and quality in government communications, strengthening media pluralism and professional journalism, and building up public institutions. Our analysis points to the risk of authoritarian abuse of counter-disinformation measures and emphasises the need for comprehensive and integrated strategies. Where governments choose to actively counter disinformation, they must adopt a combination of online and offline measures. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to countering disinformation and the narrower the focus, the greater the risk of infringing citizen rights.

This report is part of an international research series conducted under the theme “strengthening democracy, countering disinformation”, commissioned and supported by the Upgrade Democracy team between 2023-2024

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Cover Reinhard Mohn Preis

"Wir wollen frühzeitig gesellschaftliche Problemfelder erkennen und weltweit nach den besten Lösungsansätzen suchen."

(Zitat aus dem Leitbild der Bertelsmann Stiftung)

Cover Upgrade Democracy

Demokratie verändert sich, nicht zuletzt im digitalen Raum. Anstatt passiv zuzuschauen, gilt es aktiv zu werden. Es braucht ein Upgrade für unsere Diskurse (gesellschaftlich), für Infrastrukturen (systemisch), sowie für die Zukunftsfähigkeit (politisch). Im Projekt Upgrade Democracy bauen wir Brücken zwischen vielseitigen, internationalen Akteuren und verbreiten Lösungen, die Desinformationen einerseits erfolgreich in ihren jeweiligen Kontexten begegnen und anderseits digitale Tools innovativ nutzen, um Demokratie zu stärken.