Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

SDG Indicators for Municipalities

Indicators for mapping United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in German municipalities

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
36 pages, PDF


Free of charge


Sustainability is not simply a buzzword or a platitude – it can be implemented and shaped according to measurable criteria. It requires constant advance thought and, above all, action. Global and national sustainability goals are and always have been the benchmark for municipalities. The “resilient post-Corona municipality” which is now required also illustrates the scope and dimensions of sustainability. Municipalities must be able to withstand and overcome economic, ecological or societal challenges and crises. When it comes to achieving the sustainability goals set out in the United Nations’ the 2030 Agenda (known as Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs for short), the municipalities – as human settlements – play a central role.

The working group “SDG Indicators for Municipalities” accepted the task of developing a catalogue of indicators for municipalities which enables them to permanently monitor the status of all 17 sustainability goals at local level. As a result, municipalities can now contribute significantly to a sustainability-oriented plan of action.

The completely revised catalogue presented with this brochure contains a manageable number of indicators that were developed and tested with the collaboration of experts who have practical experience with municipalities. The Indicator Catalogue is a modular system, so every municipality is free to choose which and how many indicators it wants to use as a basis to achieve its sustainability goals.

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Cover Kommunales Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

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