Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

Catherine de Vries, Isabell Hoffmann

Fear not Values

Public opinion and the populist vote in Europe

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
34 pages, PDF


Free of charge


Two perspectives dominate popular and scholarly interpretations of what is the matter in Europe today. One stresses a conflict between progressive and traditional values while another stresses the divide between those that benefit from globalisation versus those left behind. When it comes to values, the argument is that elites have pushed forward liberal rights, like gender equality, gay rights, ethnic diversity, environmental protection, etc. against the will of ordinary people. In that view, current support for populist parties is the result of a revolt against a liberal elite that is out of touch. A second Argumentation stresses the economic fallout of globalisation, and suggests that a growing number of people fear to be left on the sidelines.


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