Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

Europe’s religious landscape

Faith and religious diversity in an era of rapid change

Format Type
Brochure / PDF
Date of publication
1. edition
8 pages, Brochure
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Free of charge

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How important are religion and faith in today’s world, especially in the midst of ongoing crises? How diverse is Europe’s religious landscape, and what do people think about this diversity?

This factsheet presents a summary of the comparative country findings of the Religion Monitor. They suggest that both personal interactions and comprehensive interfaith education can contribute to fostering openness to beliefs and rituals that differ from one‘s own. In addition, these survey findings point to the positive contribution personal contacts and in-depth knowledge can make to living together in diversity.

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Religionsmonitor - verstehen was verbindet. Wir möchten verstehen, welche Rolle Religion für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt einnimmt.