Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

Isabell Hoffmann, Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides: With a tailwind

Support for political measures backing Ukraine is high. Meanwhile, Europeans see their personal prospects compromised.

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
18 pages, PDF


Free of charge


Russia‘s attack on Ukraine and the war that followed changed the political landscape and priorities in the EU profoundly. How do Europeans perceive these changes and how do they expect their personal prospects to adapt? In March 2022 we asked them about it.
Previewing our upcoming study on the topic, the following slides give a quick overview of their answers. 

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eupinions ist eine unabhängige Plattform für europäische, öffentliche Meinung. Wir erheben, analysieren und kommentieren Einstellungen zu politischen Themen und Megatrends.