Cover Carbon Prices and Inflation in a World of Shocks

Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

Isabella M. Weber, Jan-Erik Thie, Jesus Lara Jauregui, Lucas Teixeira

Carbon Prices and Inflation in a World of Shocks

Systemically significant prices and industrial policy targeting in Germany

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
52 pages, PDF


Free of charge


Climate change and geopolitical tensions render supply shocks more likely, which can trigger inflation Additionally, the EU’s emissions trading system can give rise to volatile carbon prices, potentially causing inflation. Through simulations using an input-output price model for Germany, this study shows that the same systemically significant sectors – those essential for human livelihoods, production and commerce – are particularly vulnerable to both shockflation and carbonflation. A total of 77 to 78 percent of potential carbonflation can be attributed to just six systemically significant sectors. The challenge for policymakers is to design policies that combine transformation with stabilization. Enhancing resilience, reducing price volatility and designing green industrial policies for these key sectors can reduce the macroeconomic risks of both carbonflation and shockflation.

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