Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

Beyond Barriers: Rethinking CAP to Enable Agricultural Export Diversity in the EU Neighbourhood

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
16 pages, Brochure
Delivery status


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Countries in the European Union’s neighbourhood have the potential to increase their exports of
food and agricultural goods to the EU but face substantial barriers that inhibit trade and economic
integration. The EU’s agricultural policies — marked by complex tariffs, subsidies, and regulations —
often relegate these countries to mere exporters of raw material. These limitations curtail their
capacity to diversify and enhance their agricultural product offerings. In addition to hindering their
economic development, this dynamic complicates the EU’s efforts to strengthen ties within the

Striving to facilitate efforts aimed at the integration of agricultural products from neighbouring
countries into the EU, this policy paper explores the EU’s agricultural trade relations with its neighbours. It examines how these countries have adapted to existing trade barriers, focusing on tariff
levels, quotas, and the significance of relevant standards and food regulation. Furthermore, the
paper provides an overview of current trade agreements and other agreements pertaining to agricultural trade between the EU and its neighbouring countries. Finally, it offers recommendations
on measures that the EU could pursue to alleviate the adverse effects of its Common Agricultural
Policy (CAP) on neighbouring countries.

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