Isabell Hoffmann, Catherine E. de Vries

eupinions slides: A Burden or a Bond?

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
12 pages, PDF


Free of charge


Since March 2022, we have been collecting data on European perspectives regarding measures to
support Ukraine in its war effort. We have been tracking how the ongoing debate concerning energy security, energy conservation measures, and efforts to support Ukraine in defending itself against Russian aggression have influenced views across Europe over the past 21 months. Our data shows that overall support has remained high and consistent.
In September 2023, we expanded our survey to include questions that explore issues beyond the war
and address economic and financial concerns.

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eupinions ist eine unabhängige Plattform für europäische, öffentliche Meinung. Wir erheben, analysieren und kommentieren Einstellungen zu politischen Themen und Megatrends.