Initiated by Bertelsmann Stiftung, outstanding international personalities annually meet at the Trilogue Salzburg in order to discuss future issues. One of the Trilogue Salzburg's unique aspects is the equal consideration it gives to political, business and cultural viewpoints. Committed debates on basic principles and values have established the conference format as an extraordinary think tank event.
„To understand the complexity of today’s challenges we will not only need our brains, but also have to make use of our senses and emotions. The Salzburg Trilogue offers a platform for personalities from very diverse areas, thus providing the opportunity for an extremely meaningful and nuanced discussion”, states Former Federal Chancellor of Austria, Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel, who moderates the Diskussion.
But the conference does not only strive for the exchange of ideas. The results of the Trilogue are summarized in the „Salzburg Recommendations“ and sent to the European Commission, the European Council and its members - calling for action . Moreover, they are integrated in the socio-political work of the programs of Bertelsmann Stiftung. Against the backdrop of increasing international competition and an expanding interdependence of social and political coherence, international networking and exchange is thus enabled and supported.
“Again and again in my encounters, I experience hope, faith, optimism, and especially dynamic activity”, Liz Mohn writes in her book “Key Moments”. In this regard the Trilogue Salzburg is an exemplary initiative.