Our panel of speakers
Daniel Freund, Member of the European Parliament
Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Chair in International Affairs, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
Dominik Hierlemann, Senior Expert, Bertelsmann Stiftung and
Corina Stratulat, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre
discussed key questions of the Conference, including the European Citizens’ Panels, the Conference Plenary and the multilingual digital platform, and the complex interplay between them.
What is the possible impact of the Conference on the Future of Europe? What questions about the democratic process in the EU will be raised? What role will citizens play in the process and to what extent will they be able to determine the final outcome? How can, and should, the EU system as a whole change after the Conference? And how can we unravel the complex interplay between the European Citizens’ Panels, the Conference Plenary and the multilingual digital platform?