
Foto Kai Unzicker

Senior Project Manager: Dr. Kai Unzicker

Dr. Kai Unzicker has dedicated over 20 years to studying the diverse challenges facing social cohesion. Currently, his focus lies on understanding the transformation of democratic discourse due to digitization and the proliferation of mis- and disinformation. He serves as the Co-Leader of the Upgrade Democracy project within the Democracy and Cohesion Program at the Bertelsmann Stiftung. A...

Foto Robert Vehrkamp

Senior Advisor: Prof. Dr. Robert Vehrkamp

Robert Vehrkamp has been Senior Advisor on the Future of Democracy at the Bertelsmann Stiftung since 2016. He joined the foundation in 2003 as a political expert. He is an expert on the reform of German electoral law. From 2016 to 2020, he was a visiting researcher in the Democracy and Democratisation Department at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB). Since 2022, he has been a visiting...

Foto Stephan Vopel

Director: Stephan Vopel

Stephan Vopel heads the Berlin office of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Since joining the Bertelsmann Stiftung in 2000, he has developed and managed various new projects. Since 2008, he has held leading positions in the programmes Strengthening Leadership (2008-2009), Living Values (2010-2021), Germany and Asia (2013-2021) and Europe's Future (2020-2023) and was responsible for the Reinhard Mohn Prize...