
Foto Vivian Vanessa Winzler

Manager Crossmedia and Spokesperson: Vivian Vanessa Winzler

Foto Kirsten Witte

Director: Dr. Kirsten Witte

Kirsten Witte heads the Bertelsmann Stiftung's Center for Sustainable Communities. As an expert on municipal affairs, she has worked intensively on topics such as Smart Country and local government approaches to prevention in child and youth welfare. Before joining the foundation, she was a manager for the city of Münster for several years, as well as a researcher at the University of Münster. She...

Foto Malte Tim Zabel

Co-Director: Dr. Malte Tim Zabel

Malte Zabel is a European policy expert and Co-Director of the Europe’s Future program, which focuses on Europe’s role in the world, European cohesion policy and how the EU’s citizens view various European policy issues. Before becoming a member the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Europe team, he addressed various governance and strategy issues as head of the foundation’s Executive Office and advisor to...