Interim evaluation of Leave No Child Behind! Community Prevention in NRW
Effective prevention improves the life prospects of socially disadvantaged children and adolescents and is more cost-effective than providing assistance after the fact. That is the basic premise of the pilot project jointly organized by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the government of North Rhine–Westphalia. The goal is to provide support early on for children and adolescents experiencing material poverty, thereby helping them to grow and develop as they should.
Two and a half years after the project’s launch, NRW Premier Hannelore Kraft and Brigitte Mohn provide an interim evaluation together with 400 guests. The bottom line: Investing in prevention pays off. Initial findings from the accompanying research show that the right preventive measures can significantly improve opportunities for disadvantaged young people.
First European Neighbourhood Conference
On November 27, the Bertelsmann Stiftung organizes the first European Neighbourhood Conference in Berlin. Over 100 participants discuss the expectations the EU and its neighboring states have for a future partnership, along with the tools and institutions needed to realize it. The conference is planned as an annual event, with the location alternating between a neighboring country to the south and to the east.