Weitere Meldungen

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Analysis: France before the election: Where is the country headed?

Who will take up residence in the Élysée Palace? The French are choosing their next president in a two-step process, with a first-round election on April 23 and a runoff on May 7. The results of the vote in one of Europe's most populous and economically important nations will send a signal to the entire continent. We take a look at the country's economic and social situation and its global ties.

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Eupinions: Globalisation fears weigh heavily on European voters

Protest voters and populist politicians are shaking up the long-established political majorities in Europe and the USA. But what prompts voters to back parties who claim that they alone represent the interests of the people and are challenging the so-called establishment? A representative EU opinion poll attempts to uncover the reasons.

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Survey: Majority of the EU citizens wants a fair distribution of refugees

European governments are split when it comes to the migrant situation: Some want to accept asylumseekers, others are refusing to take them point-blank. European citizens have a different opinion: They demand a common response to this new challenge and want a fair distribution of the new people.