Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

Catherine E. de Vries, Isabell Hoffmann

eupinions slides: Anxious we stand?

Ukrainians are battling for their survival while European politicians pledge solidarity and offer aid. But as the war continues, just how much do Europeans believe in the cause?

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
25 pages, PDF


Free of charge


Ukrainians are battling for their survival while European politicians pledge solidarity and offer aid, claiming such measures to be in line with Europe’s vital interests and core values.  Do Europeans agree? Do they believe in the cause and their capacity to provide enough support?  

In these new eupinions slides “Anxious we stand?”, we test these claims and values and check whether those deemed to be “highly anxious” respond differently. 

The authors Catherine de Vries and Isabell Hoffmann note: “While a clear majority – 66% – of Europeans are deeply concerned about the state of the world, this does not seem to change their views on who is to blame and who should be supported in this war.”

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