Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

Dr. Isabell Diekman, Olga Janzen

Between generalization and differentiation

Attitudes towards Muslims and Islam in Germany

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
20 pages, PDF


Free of charge


Reservations about Muslims and their religion have been entrenched in Germany for many years. The Religion Monitor shows that a majority of the population (52%) see Islam as a threat. This proportion has remained high for ten years.

Anti-Muslim reservations are usually linked to negative images that people associate with Islam or Muslims. This raises the question of which prejudices about Islam and the Muslim population are widespread in Germany - and how these affect everyday life together.

In this study of the Religion Monitor 2023, we have therefore firstly examined a broad spectrum of prejudices that can be directed against Islam as a religion on the one hand and against specific people, i.e. Muslims or people perceived as such, on the other.

Secondly, we analyzed behavioral intentions, as this dimension of action is particularly relevant with regard to discrimination and participation. It is also crucial to what extent prejudices translate into discriminatory intentions to act; we therefore also looked at the connections between prejudices and intentions to act. 

Thirdly, a solution-oriented perspective was a central concern for us, which is why we also recorded the extent to which differentiated knowledge about Muslim life in Germany is available. Based on an in-depth analysis of the relationships between all three dimensions, we are able to demonstrate the extent to which this knowledge can be effective against prejudice and discrimination.

One core result, which is cautiously optimistic, should be anticipated here: In addition to widespread anti-Muslim prejudice, there is also a differentiated view of Muslim life in Germany among broad sections of the population.

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