Productivity is the determining driver of growth and prosperity in the long term. But productivity growth in Germany had neither been high nor looked inclusive for years prior to 2018. Only a few companies and regions are experiencing robust growth rates, while large parts of the economy are stagnating and thus falling further behind. Such a development has implications for participation opportunities and the cohesion of society.
The aim of the "Inclusive Productivity" project was to bring this issue, which is crucial to the viability of the social market economy and yet often underestimated, into the public and economic policy debate. During the project period from 2018 to the beginning of 2022, the aim was firstly to understand and explain the causes and consequences of the increasing inequality in productivity development. On the other hand, solution options were developed and put up for discussion as to what economic policy can contribute in order to increase productivity growth across the broad corporate landscape and thus also counteract social divisive tendencies.
In the course of the project, scientific studies, scenarios for Germany as a business location and a documentary film on the challenges of the social market economy were produced. A blog has contributed to the necessary debate on a new understanding of productivity with numerous analyses, comments and recommendations.

Inclusive Productivity
The aim of the "Inclusive Productivity" project was to bring into the public debate an issue that is crucial for the social market economy and yet often underestimated: the increasing inequality in productivity development between companies and regions. During the project period from 2018 to early 2022, the aim was firstly to understand what the causes and consequences of this growing inequality are. On the other hand, options were developed as to what economic policy can do to increase productivity growth across the corporate landscape and thus also counteract social divisive tendencies.