Weitere Meldungen

RMP_2013_11_06_Symposium_A01B4920_High Res_95832_BEARB.jpg(© © Jan Voth)

: Reinhard Mohn Prize

Innovative approaches, effective solutions, outstanding role models

(© Bertelsmann Stiftung)

Publication: Sustaineo 2030: Today's sustainable development visions, realized tomorrow

In the year 2030, one country has translated today's better-governance efforts into a political and administrative system. The Bertelsmann Stiftung invites you on a time travel to that year. A new publication will bring you to the fictional country of Sustaineo.

(© Thomas Kunsch)

Event: "A Fair Deal on Talent – Creating an Equitable System of Migration"

In today's globalized world, companies compete internationally for the best talent and people change countries to find work. In view of that, how can Germany attract the highly skilled workforce it desperately needs – and do so in a way that is both effective and fair? That is the question being addressed by the 2015 Reinhard Mohn Prize.

DSC04132_bear.jpg RMP 2013 7. Nov. 2013 Festakt, Theater Gütersloh(© Arne Weychardt)

A Look back: Reinhard Mohn Prize 2013

Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future