Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.)

Dr. Christian Bluth, Daniela Arregui Coka, Andreas Esche, Dr. Cora Jungbluth, Dr. Thieß Petersen, Thomas Rausch

Roadmap 2030

Germany's success in a globalized world economy

1. Auflage




Although globalization is not a new phenomenon, making the best of it requires a deep understanding of its direct and indirect effects on the global and national economy, on policymaking, and most importantly on society. However, the economic analysis of globalization is not a simple task, not least because it is a controversial topic. Supporters of globalization see it as a source of economic growth and prosperity, while its opponents claim that global integration is eroding our natural environment and causing global inequality to increase. We believe that the debate surrounding global integration should go beyond the perception of whether globalization is good or bad. Most importantly, it should be based on empirical evidence. This evidence should promote transparency, break down the complexity behind the economic dynamics of globalization and allow evidence-based policymaking.

This is the pursuit of the project “Global Economic Dynamics” (GED) of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Through our quantitative and qualitative work, we attempt to provide a deeper understanding of globalization, by learning its determinants, as well as its social and economic effects. Without neglecting the possible economic and social problems that may arise as markets become more integrated, our work tries to identify the channels through which Germany, Europe and the world can profit even stronger and wider from economic integration. Most importantly, it aims at fostering a future global integration that is fairer, economically sustainable and serves the interests of the whole population. Our “Roadmap 2030” presents an overview of our findings from the past five years of our project work. From our study, we have derived areas of action that will be crucial for Germany’s and Europe’s success in the next decade of globalization.

Zugehörige Projekte

Cover Global Economic Dynamics (GED)

Komplexe ökonomische Dynamiken transparent und verständlich zu machen – das war unser Ziel. Das Projekt untersuchte die Ursachen und Auswirkungen von wirtschaftlichen Trends sowie die Zusammenhänge zwischen den einzelnen Trends.

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