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Newsletter of Mar 29, 2019

While Africa is growing younger, Europe is growing older. FDI could help both continents to make the best of their diverging demograghics.


Yes. There Can Be Demographic Dividends with an Aging Population

In aging economies, the ratio of working age to retirement age residents is on the decline. While many aging societies, such as Germany, have an excess capital supply today, they will have a high capital requirement in the future, once they are “old” societies with a high proportion of pensioners.

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Rethinking EU-Asia Trade: Suggestions for Change at the Union, Regional and Global Level

To cushion against rising political and economic insecurity, the EU needs to invest more into its institutional relations with other regions, particularly Asia. Here is what needs to be done on the European, the inter-regional, and international level.

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Can We Have a Rational Discussion on Industrial Policy?

Industrial policy” is back in the headlines. Whether in the European Union, Germany, or the United States, there is an ongoing debate in the media, among politicians and economists about the future of the industrial sector. While some observers fear that governments implementing industrial policy (or interfering in the markets, as detractors might say) will cause a roll-back right into a GDR- or Soviet-style planned economy, others regard it as a panacea to counteract China’s state capitalism. Yet, why do industrial policy discussions cause such a stir?

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The Future of Capitalism: Social Democracy in Crisis?

With his latest book, the British economist Paul Collier attempts to unmask the existential crisis of modern capitalism. According to the author, social democracy has failed to deliver on its promise to create a cooperative and morally reciprocal society. “The Future of Capitalism” is Collier’s appeal to reset the mindset of modern social democracy, to reshape the foundation of capitalist societies and to make future capitalism more ethical and prosperous. What does he propose?

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The Pros and Cons of Globalization

Our video on the pros and cons of globalization just hit 100,000 views! Time to take a closer look where the argument stands today. read more



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We help make complex economic dynamics transparent and understandable.

The project examines the causes and effects of economic trends, as well as the connections linking one trend to another.


Andreas Esche

Director, Program Megatrends


Bertelsmann Stiftung

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