Our new online portal – your guide to the Bertelsmann Stiftung

As of today, Tuesday, December 2, 2014, bertelsmann-stiftung.de has a whole new look. Completely redesigned for this relaunch, our new online portal provides you with easier access to the work we do. The main menu serves as a guide to the various topics we address.

Our Topics

The issues we are interested in are just as varied as the projects we carry out. We have grouped them into six areas as a result: Shaping Democracy, Strengthening Economies, Advancing Societies, Promoting Health, Vitalizing Culture and Improving Education. You can navigate within each individual topic, search for specific projects or publications, or become acquainted with our diverse range of activities by scrolling from topic to topic.

Our Projects

The more than 60 projects we are currently carrying out allow us to address pressing social challenges and contribute to society’s long-term development. We invite you to take a look at what we do – you can browse by topic or search in our alphabetical project list.

About us

“What Motivates Us” and “Who We Are” are the two headings we are using to explain the work we carry out and how things are organized at the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Here you can learn about our founder, Reinhard Mohn, and his beliefs. You can also become acquainted with the members of our Executive Board and Board of Trustees, or read our basic principles and mission statement. Or visit our chronicle and have a look at our past. Finally, you can find out more about our management structure, partners and offices, as well as your contacts at the foundation.


You can use the website to order our studies and publications, which are available in printed and electronic versions and, in some cases, as audio books. Many of our publications can be downloaded free of charge.  You can also read selected excerpts prior to publication. If you subscribe to one of our newsletters, you will soon be receiving it in its new format. If you do not yet subscribe, this is where you will find an overview of the newsletters we publish on a range of topics. Our Media Center contains picture galleries, graphics and videos.

Mobile access for smartphones and tablets

Designed for use with all of today’s mobile devices and the latest browsers, our new portal adjusts automatically to fit your screen. It is compatible with the following browsers (these or later versions): Internet Explorer Version 8, Mozilla Firefox Version 30, Google Chrome Version 35, Safari Version 6. If you are using an older version, we ask that you update your software. Our app “BST kompakt” for iPad and iPhone is no longer available following our relaunch.

Please note that, in light of the relaunch, any links or favorites you have previously saved on our website may not retain their full functionality and should be updated. If you subscribe to our RSS feeds, you will also have to reset these – a complete list is available here.